Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Amended Bronze Level American Style Categories
The following is a list of the allowable figures and elements (or restrictions) for the bronze level to be used in NDCA recognized Events.
American Style Waltz
1. Left Closed/Box (Reverse) Turn - Right Closed/Box (Natural) Turn
2. Forward Progressive/Change Step, right foot or left foot
3. Lady’s Underarm Turn to the Right - two Measures/6 beats
4. Balance Steps/Hesitations, Fifth Position Breaks (in closed hold or double hand hold only)
5. Closed Twinkles (may be danced in any direction)
6. Cross Body Lead from LF Fwd Hesitation or from 1-3 of Left Closed/Box (Reverse Turn)
7. Natural Spin Turn (same as International Style)
8. Forward Twist to Left from P.P.
9. Syncopated Promenade chassé (must end in P.P.)
10. Simple Grapevine or Zigzag (No Syncopation)
11. In & Out change steps/Butterfly
* Partners may not completely separate. Open Work is limited to single or double hand holds, and may not last for more than four (4) consecutive measures (12 beats)
* Open work may not comprise more than 25% of any routine
* No continuity style in Bronze Waltz, feet must be closed on three except on allowed
* No foot changes/fakes, partners must always be on opposite feet
* No consecutive pivots left or right, one (1) pivot is allowed
* No open left or right box turns
* No fallaway actions of any kind
* No picture lines or figures (i.e. contra check, chair, oversways, lunges, etc.)
* No solo, shadow, or same foot figures
* No syncopations other than chassé from Promenade - No syncopated underarm turns
* Progressive twinkles must finish by the sixth (6th) measure of music (18 beats) with the feet closed. (counting from when they are started)
* Both feet must remain close to the floor at all times (no aerial rondé, developé, etc.)
American Style Tango
1. Tango Walks - All Slows
2. Forward Basic, Closed or O.P. (SSQQS timing only)
3. Promenade turning to left or right (SSQQS timing only)
4. Corte or Simple Oversway
5. Open Fan
6. Right Side Fan/Outside Swivel
7. Rocks - closed or P.P. pos.(may be danced w/ or w/o turn to left or right in any direction)
8. Single Pivot from P.P.
9. Linking action to and from P.P.
10. Left/Reverse Turn (Open or Closed)
11. Under Arm Turn Left or Right from Open Fan
12. Twist Turn to Left or right from P.P.
13. Running Step/Progressive Side Step or argentine walks (basic w/alternative rhythm)
* No foot changes/ fakes, partners must always be on opposite feet
* No shadow, solo, or same foot figures
* No more than four (4) quicks consecutively
* No syncopations except brush-point (&S) in the Open Fan
* Although the Corte/Simple Oversway is permitted, other picture lines /figures (i.e. contra check, chairs, oversways, lunges, etc.) are not allowed
* No fallaway actions of any kind.
* No consecutive pivots left or right, one (1) pivot is allowed
* Partners may not completely separate. Open Work is limited to single or double hand holds, and may not last for more than four (4) consecutive measures (16 beats)
* Both feet must remain close to the floor at all times (no aerial rondé, developé, etc.)
American Style Foxtrot
1. Forward Basic, Closed or O.P. - (with or without quarter turn) SSQQ
2. Back Basic, Closed or O.P. - (with or without quarter turn) SSQQ
3. Promenade SSQQ
4. Rock Turn/Ad Lib to Left or Right SSQQ
5. Lady’s Underarm Turn to the Right - two Measures/6 beats SQQSQQ
6. Left Closed/Box/Reverse Turn SQQ
7. Cross Body Lead SQQ
8. Closed Twinkle, may be danced in any direction, must close feet SQQ
9. Single Promenade Pivot SSQQ
10. Syncopated Promenade chassé (must end in P.P.) SQQSQ&QSQQ
11. Forward twist to left from promenade SSQQ
12. Sway step/Side Balance SSQQ
13. Promenade Under Arm Turn SSQQ
14. Simple Grapevine or Zigzag (8) quicks max. No Syncopations)
* Partners may not completely separate. Open Work is limited to single or double hand holds, and may not last for more than four (4) consecutive measures (16 beats)
* Open work may not comprise of more than 25% of any routine
* No continuity style in Bronze Foxtrot
* No foot changes/fakes, partners must always be on opposite feet
* Timing is limited to SSQQ or SQQ in Bronze Foxtrot. Except for Grapevine actions
* Continuous quicks are NOT permitted except in the Simple Grapevine (#11) or extra chassés/side steps.
* No consecutive pivots right or left, one (1) pivot is allowed
* No open left or right box turns
* No syncopations other than chassé from Promenade - No syncopated underarm turns
* No picture lines or figures (i.e. oversways, contra check, chair, lunges, etc.)
* No fallaways of any kind or slip pivot from fallaway
* No solo, shadow, or same foot figures
* No more than eight (8) quicks, or 2 measures, of a grapevine/zig zag action and it must finish with the feet closed
* Progressive twinkles must finish by the end of the sixth (6th) measure of music (24 beats) with the feet closed
* Both feet must remain close to the floor at all times (no aerial, rondé, developé, etc.)
American Style Viennese Waltz
1. Left Turns/Reverse Turns
2. Right Turns/Natural Turns
3. Progressive/Change Steps
4. Balance Steps/Hesitations/Fifth Position Breaks
5. Cross Body Lead/Turn
6. Underarm Turn from Fifth Position Break or Cross Body Lead.
7. Closed Twinkle (May be danced in any direction or alignment)
8. In & Out Change steps/ butterfly
9. Left box w/lady’s left or right underarm turn
* Partners may not completely separate
* Open work may not comprise of more than 25% of any routine
* Syncopations are not permitted
* No open left or right box turns
* No consecutive pivots right or left, one (1) canter pivot is allowed
* No fallaways of any kind or slip pivot from fallaway
* Partners must remain on opposite feet at all times
* No solo, shadow, or same foot figures
* Partners may not completely separate. Open Work is limited to single or double hand holds, and must finish by the fourth (4th) measure of music (12 beats) from where the action is commenced.
* Both feet must remain close to the floor at all times (no aerial, rondé, developé, etc.)
American Style Cha Cha
1. Basic Step (Closed, Single or Double Handhold)
2. Cross Over Breaks – (single only – no timing changes)
3. Offset Breaks - O.P.
4. Open Break
5. Lady’s Underarm Turn left or right
6. Walk Around Turns (May be danced under arm or free turn to Right or Left)
7. Chase Turns
8. Fifth Position Breaks
9. Cross Body Lead - May end in Closed, Open or Open Counter Promenade Positions
10. Three Cha Chas – chassés may be danced forward or back or side
11. Back spot turn / Natural Top
* Partners must use basic Cha Cha timing
* Partners may not completely separate for more than one measure of music except Chase Turns
* No guapacha or other timing changes allowed (except the "2&3" chassé in the Three Cha Chas)
* No double underarm turns, no foot changes or fakes, partners must always be on opposite feet
* Both feet must remain close to the floor at all times. (No rondé', developé', etc)
American Style Rumba
1. Box Step
2. Cuban Walks - Closed and Open (may be danced in side by side position)
3. Lady’s Underarm Turn to Right or Left
4. Rock Steps & Breaks (Forward, side or back)
5. Cross Body Lead/Turn
6. Fifth Position Breaks
7. Open Break - May end in Closed, Open or Open Counter Promenade Positions
8. Cross Over Breaks
9. Offset Breaks O.P.
10. Walk Around Turn (May be danced under arm or free turn to Right or Left)
11. Back spot turn
12. Back Spot Turns/ Natural Top
* Partners may not completely separate for more than one measure of music
* The timing for Bronze Rumba may be either SQQ or QQS
* No other timing is permitted, no foot changes or fakes, partners must always be on opposite feet
* Both feet must remain close to the floor at all times. (No rondé', developé', etc)
East Coast Swing
1. Basic w/ or w/o Turn left or right
2. Lady’s Underarm Turn to Right
3. Lady’s and Man’s Underarm Turn to Left
4. Throwaway
5. Tuck in Turn/American Spin/Lady’s Free Spin
6. Back Pass/change hands behind back
7. Sweetheart/Cuddle/Wrap
8. Lindy Whip - up to four quicks
9. Hitch Kicks
10. Lindy Whip with underarm turn L or R – up to 4 quicks
11. Stop and Go/Peek-a-Boo
* Partners may not separate completely for more than one measure of music
* No side by side work is allowed in Bronze
* No double underarm turns
* No hopping, skipping or swivel actions are allowed
* No continuous chassés
* No foot changes or fakes, partners must always be on opposite feet
* Both feet must remain close to the floor at all times. (No rondé', developé', etc)
* Use of hand shake holds, double hand holds are permitted
1. Basic
2. Open Break ( Man may use Flex Point)
3. Fifth Position Breaks
4. Cross Over Breaks
5. Cross Body Lead - May end in Closed, Open or Open Counter Promenade Positions
6. Lady’s Underarm Turns to Left and Right
7. Free Walk Around Turn from Cross Over
8. Side Passes Left and Right
9. Open Cuban Walks, Open and Closed Positions - may be danced in side by side
10. Rock steps (May be danced in any direction)
11. Back Spot Turn (Natural Top)
* Partners may not completely separate for more than one measure of music
* Timing for Bolero must be SQQ. No other timing is permitted
* No foot changes or fakes. Partners must always be on opposite feet
* Both feet must remain close to the floor at all times. (No rondé, developé', etc)
1. Basic, open, closed, progressive w/ or w/o turn to right or left
2. Open Break
3. Offset Breaks O.P.
4. Fifth Position Breaks
5. Cross Over Breaks
6. Lady’s Underarm Turn to Right and Left
7. Walk Around Turn turns to left or right
8. Cross Body Lead - May end in Closed, Open or Open Counter Promenade Positions
9. Chase Turns ½ or full
10. Side Breaks
11. Promenade Walks
* Partners may not completely separate for more than one measure of music
* Couples must break on the "two" beat in Mambo. No other timing is permitted
* No foot changes or fakes. Partners must always be on opposite feet
* Both feet must remain close to the floor at all times. (No rondé', developé', etc)
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